
Grok is Elon Musk’s brainchild. It is a generative AI chatbot developed by his startup xAI and successfully stands out from market-leading rivals like Google’s Gemini. For instance, Grok is winning the AI race when it comes to predictive analytics and data-driven decision-making. This makes it perfect for businesses that require insights into consumer behavior and market trends. Grok also outperforms the ChatGPT 3.5 version if you make a Grok AI Vs ChatGPT comparison. This is in terms of seamless integration with multiple platforms. Further, Grok 1.5, released in March 2024, has a strong sense of processing visual diagrams, documents, charts, and screenshots.

Grok ai It does not stop here. Grok AI chatbot answers questions with ‘a bit of wit and has a rebellious streak’ – something that traditional bots are yet to master. After all, it was modeled after Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy! All of these features of Grok AI are unique and powerful. Especially, the fact that it is trained on a huge dataset of code and text makes it shine amid all other Chatbot apps like Google Bard and GPT. 

However, Grok is still in beta and requires further development. But the good news is that you can get your Grok version built that prioritizes and automates tasks while preventing customers from waiting for your response. The cost to develop a Grok AI-like app will cost anything between $8,000 and $1,40,000. Read in detail to make informed choices.

What critical features to include to build an AI chatbot app like Grok?

A look into the features of Grok AI will give you an idea of what you are paying for. This is also necessary since the features and functionalities have a significant part in determining the overall cost. Here’s a walk-through to help you make well-informed choices.

An ideal Chatbot

Long word conversations

Grok-1 LLM is a 63-billion-parameter model. It has a 128,000 words data token context window which generates approximately 6,000 words. Musk’s xAI is presently training the next version which will be completed by May. It has been using 20,00 NVIDIA H100 chips. In 2024, he predicted that the next generation Grok 3 model will need 100,00 Nvidia H100 GPUs to train. The idea is to maximize the CDU to fine-tune processor performance and make sure an industry-leading and promising conversational AI is built. 

Real-time news delivery

Grok AI chatbot leverages AI to combine news, commentaries, and social posts and offers an accurate summarized version on X. Users can also get their hands on personalized stories to streamline the consumption experience on the For You page. Adding to this, a tinge of humor with a disclaimer is provided to ensure verification since the app strives toward transparency. Altogether, this is a compelling USP for better market acceptance.

Open source

In March 2024, xAI open-sourced the ‘base model weights and network architecture of Grok-1.’ This means the software, projects, and source code are accessible to everyone. Anyone like you and me can use, distribute, or modify. It does not require any license fee.

In fact, the Grok AI app is now the largest open-source LLM which has surpassed predecessors like Falcon 180B which stood at $180 billion.  

Multitasking capabilities 

Grok is highly capable of performing several tasks which ultimately boosts the efficiency and productivity of the user. In fact, it is built to answer ‘spicy’ questions that other conventional chatbots typically refuse to answer. Further, multidisciplinary reasoning is another USP of Grok. In this, it can answer your queries regarding scientific diagrams and understand real-world spatial relationships. 

Processing visual information

Yes, Grok AI can process a wide range of visual information. This includes documents (charts and tables), photographs (object recognition), and screenshots ( code snippets or interface elements) that require an advanced and accurate understanding. 

In the next section, let us learn about the cost breakdown to build a Grok-like app. 

business growth

The cost to develop an AI app like Grok

Below is an overall cost to build a chatbot app like Grok that has the basics to run like it. However, know that ‘it all depends’ since there is no way to determine the average amount that will go into your specific project. Let’s go!

Phase 1: Design and Development – $8,000 to $25,000

At this stage, the technicians will ask you to define the type of app, the targeted users, and the purpose. This helps them envision and formulate whatever they require. The process is known as Software Requirements Specification or SRS which will also include UI UX design.  The Grok AI app has been designed to be highly informative, comprehensive, and engaging. You may ask the app designers to consider designing your app on similar lines. 

Phase 2: Testing – $5,000 to $8,000

No software is 100% bug-free. However, this phase is instrumental to ensure your app has minimal bugs to avoid a problematic UX. The technicians will test to ensure the app runs properly, has an intuitive interface, and does not lag. There are two types of testing: core testing and on-demand testing which impacts the cost to build chatbot apps like Grok. This is further broken down into functional, usability, performance, and security testing. 

Phase 3: Deployment – $5,000 to $10,000

The app is now all set to be published on two platforms, App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android). Here, the technicians provide configurations and publish a stable app on the Google Play Store. However, the company technicians of Apple will make the app go live on the App Store only after a round of in-house testing. 

Phase 4: Maintenance and Support – $2,000 to $2,500 (per month)

You must keep aside 20% of the initial development cost for maintenance. It is an ongoing upkeep after the full-scale app, like the Grok AI app, has been released to users. Regular maintenance helps to :

  • update the software to the latest version
  • identify and fix bugs
  • modify based on current trends, and 
  • ensure compatibility with new OS versions. 

Introducing Simublade. We are an AI app development company with a collaborative spirit, embracing innovation with a constant pursuit of excellence. Our team has successfully built Character.AI with technologies like NLP, ML, and AI. Our focused skill sets and tech prowess, along with multiple services like API development, SaaS architecture design, SaaS consulting, and cloud migration, help us meet your end goal. Learn about our AI application development services to build a better app than Grok.

Note that the above-mentioned costs are not accurate but are estimations. The final pricing to build an AI chatbot like Grok will depend on these standard factors:

  • geographical location
  • additional features
  • specific project needs
  • the development team 

Let us learn the other parameters that influence the cost to build a chatbot app like Grok

Underlying technologies in Grok AI app

The core technology behind Grok AI is Grok 1. This is a Mixture of Expert (MoE) architecture with 314 billion parameters. Further, Grok AI chatbot’s entire infrastructure is built with Rust programming language, Jax, NLP, machine learning, and Kubernetes. 

Cutting-edge and highly advanced AI ensures the conversations are free-flowing, natural, genuine and engaging. Grok is further trained on multiple sources from the internet up to Q3 2023 and data that is thoroughly reviewed by humans.

The point of learning this is getting a clear idea of the tech stack since it impacts the overall cost to build an AI chatbot app like Grok

Factors that impact the cost to develop an app like Grok

The application development software market is expected to reach $91.02 billion in 2024 with a 5.72% CAGR leading to a whopping $113.7 billion by 2028. Most of this amount is predicted to be generated in the USA when a global comparison is done. 

AI chatbotThis proves that building an AI chatbot like Grok for business, with advanced features and technologies, can prove to be a smart investment. Several factors influence the cost when building software similar to the Grok AI app. This includes complexity, UI UX design, app type, security level, and features and functionalities. Learn more:

App complexity

Here, the cost is split as per the size of the app:

Small Apps
These have minimal functionality and do not support unstructured and non-linear workflows. So, there are no external API integrations and backend developments which lowers the overall cost. For instance, think of a calendar or alarm app that is pre-installed on most devices. The final cost of these types of apps can be around $40,000 to $60,000.

Medium Apps
These are typically built on a single platform with customizable payment options and user interfaces. However, these might have more bugs and compatibility issues when compared to multi-platform applications. On the other hand, a single platform means low risk, reduced dependency, and low expenses in terms of external integrators. For instance, Microsoft 365 integrates all apps (Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook to name a few) in one place to ease usability. Now, the overall cost to build a chatbot app like Grok comes down to around $60,000 to $70,000. 

Large Apps

Large complicated apps have more functionalities and intricate designs. These include custom animation, multilingual support, and third-party integrations. For instance, Google Maps is a big app that spans across 2 billion code lines and is one of the most complicated software tools. Grok AI chatbot is a complex app as well with advanced features. The cost to build such an app is usually between $60,000 to $1,00,000. 

UI/UX design 

Elements that improve the visual appeal and functionality of an app significantly affect the cost. However, they are of utmost importance and a non-skippable part of building an app. This is because UI UX design is a multi-layered concept and is responsible for involvement, interaction, and connection between users. It also ensures user-centricity, simplicity, accessibility, and an emotional quotient. So, how to land your dream UI UX design?

Well, we at Simublade are a trusted UI UX design agency offering brand storytelling, interface design, design revamp, design consulting, and experience design. Our technicians are capable of tackling every user case and addressing pain points in a simple way. In fact, a good design ensures that users are able to interact with an AI system better. Talk to us today. 

App type

You can build gaming, utility, education, e-commerce, fintech, communication, productivity, and lifestyle apps. An AI chatbot like Grok will fall under the utility app category and will have several  features, high-end tech capabilities, and third-party integrations. Further, you also have to decide where the app would run (iOS or Android or both) which will influence the overall expenses.  

Security level 

Security testing and maintenance are non-negotiable. Any app like Grok AI app will contain confidential user details and security patches are necessary for data protection. Building a similar app will also require you to adopt steps to avoid breaches. This significantly influences the overall cost of building the app. 

A strong cybersecurity risk management approach can ensure zero breaches and industry-level compliances like encryption. A few measures to make sure your business is not compromised are cloud migration, compliance assessment and consulting, vulnerability management, and a disaster recovery plan. Know that these will impact the cost to develop a chatbot app like Grok AI

Features and functionalities

While estimating the Grok AI app development cost, know that it will increase depending on the number of features and functionalities. For instance, Grok AI app offers top news stories to users which is available in the Explore section of the app. ChatGPT does not have this feature. So, adding it to a basic chatbot model automatically increases the overall cost. 

3 ways to reduce the cost to develop an app like Grok

Getting an app developed is fundamental to all businesses. The primary purpose is to stay in the forefront of customers’ minds. Other benefits include a competitive edge, digital marketing assistance, brand awareness, and customer loyalty. However, all of these could come at a high cost. Fret not! Below are a few tips to reduce the overall expenses:

  1. Instead of customizing layouts, screens, and graphics heavily, pick pre-built and simple UI templates. This will help ease the cost to develop an app like Grok.
  2. The choice of platform influences cost to an extent. However,  iOS had a 57.93% market share against 70.29% Android’s share in the USA in 2023. Keep this in mind in 2024 and beyond, research well and then choose from a native Android app, native iOS app, and a cross-platform app.
  3. Including high-end features will mean higher costs. For instance, Grok can offer real-time information. Eliminating this feature from your app design will lower the costs. Overall, see which features are mandatory and which ones might be unnecessary to make it a budget-friendly affair. Further, advanced technologies and third-party integrations also impact the app pricing. Understand these factors well before the AI application development services begin. 

AI powered chatbot

How to build a better app than the Grok AI chatbot?

While Grok is revolutionary in itself, there is always room for innovation. Identifying the gaps and trying to fill them will ease customer pain points. This ensures a positive effect while future-proofing your app. Read on. 

Ethical guidelines

Grok AI offers responses to illegal and unethical questions. Researchers had once used a logic manipulation approach to ask ‘how to seduce a child’. Grok had provided a detailed answer which was quite sensitive. It also supports other unlawful activities by offering answers to questions like ‘how to build a bomb’. While building your app, make sure it is not bypassing basic safety filters by default to assist the reader with offensive content.

Low AI detection 

Content written by Grok AI chatbot can be easily identified by multiple detection tools like Copyleaks, Sapling, and So, try to use high-end language generation techniques that consider tone, style, and context and avoid repetitive patterns. It must be able to inject emotions and personality, ask questions, and be packed with wit and humor. These will make your app human and hard for detection algorithms to spot. 

Closed source 

By now you know that Grok is an open-source app. This increases the risks of misuse, lack of support, and guidelines violation. However, a close-source app offers significant benefits to both individuals and businesses. For instance, it has a well-structured support system and is highly secure for malware. The best part is that a close-source app is automatically a passive income source with licenses and subscriptions. 

Fine-tuned response

Grok is a customer-service-focused AI chatbot. This way it lacks general knowledge, long-term planning ideas, and complex-reasoning abilities. Try to build a chatbot that would have no limitations to questions and queries. Train the app on tacit knowledge that typically comes from experience and observation – much like humans. In short, it should be able to answer anything and everything except harmful content.

power of Gen-AI


Q. How much does it cost to develop an app like xAI Grok?

Ans. It will cost anywhere between $8,000 and $1,40,000. However, this is an estimation and the final cost to build a chatbot app like Grok typically depends on features, technologies, and the development team.

Q. How much time does it take to develop an AI chatbot?

Ans. It takes 4-12 weeks to build an AI chatbot app like Grok. It depends on the scope and complexity of the app. 

Q. How big of a dataset is required to develop an AI chatbot?

Ans. Businesses build data sizes unique to their needs. However, know that answering one chat generally does not need more than 1-2 KB. 

Q. What are the benefits of developing a chatbot app like Grok?

Ans. Grok in Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy means to empathize deeply with others. The Grok AI app does exactly the same. It makes the interactions humane and memorable which nudges users to come back the next time!


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